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Id Pickup Town Delivery Town Pickup Date Delivery Date Load Type
56189 Nelson - Tasman Queenstown - Otago 03/12/2024 20/11/2025 Furniture and General Items
56955 Dunedin - Otago Auckland City Suburbs - Auckland 10/12/2024 20/12/2024 Furniture and General Items
56972 Queenstown - Otago Tairua - Waikato 03/12/2024 16/12/2024 Furniture
56975 Auckland City Suburbs - Auckland Christchurch - Canterbury 03/12/2024 31/12/2024 General Items
56976 Auckland City Suburbs - Auckland Christchurch - Canterbury 03/12/2024 31/12/2024 General Items
56984 Tauranga - Bay of Plenty Wellington - Wellington 03/12/2024 10/12/2024 Building materials
56990 Marton - Manawatu-Wanganui Rolleston - Canterbury 03/12/2024 31/01/2025 Furniture and General Items
57008 Nelson - Tasman Te Kauwhata - Waikato 03/12/2024 21/12/2024 Machinery
57017 Ashburton - Canterbury Papamoa Beach - Bay of Plenty 30/01/2025 05/01/2025 House lot
57018 Manukau City Suburbs - Auckland Lower Hutt - Wellington 21/12/2024 25/12/2024 Furniture
57019 Ashburton - Canterbury Papamoa Beach - Bay of Plenty 30/01/2025 05/01/2025 House lot
57021 Christchurch - Canterbury Raumati Beach - Wellington 03/12/2024 22/12/2024 Furniture
57022 Blenheim - Marlborough Drury - Auckland 03/12/2024 20/12/2024 Furniture
57025 Whangarei - Northland Auckland City Suburbs - Auckland 03/12/2024 10/12/2024 Farm machinery
57026 Whangarei - Northland Auckland City Suburbs - Auckland 03/12/2024 10/12/2024 Farm machinery
57027 Whangarei - Northland Auckland City Suburbs - Auckland 03/12/2024 10/12/2024 Farm machinery
57028 Matata - Bay of Plenty Wyndham - Southland 23/01/2025 29/01/2025 Furniture and General Items
57029 Christchurch - Canterbury Waikanae - Wellington 03/12/2024 15/12/2024 Furniture and General Items
57030 Lower Hutt - Wellington Wanganui - Manawatu-Wanganui 05/12/2024 13/12/2024 Furniture
57032 Napier - Hawkes Bay Wanganui - Manawatu-Wanganui 03/12/2024 21/12/2024 Furniture
57033 Porirua - Wellington Rotorua - Bay of Plenty 03/12/2024 31/12/2024 Furniture


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